2024 Schedule of Adult Mosquito Control throughout Southern Manitoba under Ministerial Order

As of August 19, 2024

Mosquito spraying will take place in the evening and at night, weather conditions permitting. Information on adult mosquito control schedules for West Nile virus and a description of the areas to be sprayed are available below. Adult mosquito control cannot occur when weather conditions are unfavourable, i.e. when temperature is below 13 degrees Celsius, when wind speeds are not conducive, or if there is significant precipitation. If weather conditions are not conducive to adult mosquito control on the identified night, adult mosquito control will usually occur the next consecutive night, as weather permits.

Communities in southern Manitoba may be issued a Ministerial Order to undertake adult mosquito control to prevent or alleviate the threat of West Nile virus to human health. The Order may require that adult mosquito control be undertaken within a specific community and may include an extended treatment area around the community.

Approved by Health Canada for use in 2017, DeltaGard 20EW® is classified as a reduced-risk pesticide. When applied using ultra-low volume methods and as per label directions DeltaGard 20EW does not present an unacceptable risk to human or environmental health. More information is available here.

2024 Adult Mosquito Control Schedule
Community under Order Extended Treatment Area* Upcoming Treatment

City of Winkler

RM of Stanley (click here for map)

No planned dates

August 1

August 12

Town of Altona

RM of Rhineland (click here for map)

No planned dates

August 11

August 18

City of Winnipeg; within 5 km of the intersection of the Perimeter Highway and Highway 8

RM of West St. Paul (click here for map)

No planned dates

August 10

August 18

City of Winnipeg; within 5 km of the intersection of Four Mile Road and McCreary Road

RM of MacDonald (click here for map)

No planned dates

August 10

August 18

* Areas identified may fall partially or completely within an extended treatment area of a community under Order. Contact your municipal office if you are uncertain as to whether your residence falls within the extended treatment area.

** Upcoming dates are subject to change based on weather conditions. For possible schedule changes during the weekend, refer to the following sources for up-to-date information:

City of Winnipeg (including RM of West St. Paul and Rm of MacDonald):

Town of Altona (including RM of Rhineland):


    Town of Altona on Facebook

    @townofaltona on Instagram

For WNV health concerns, contact your doctor or call:

Health Links - Info Santé
(Winnipeg) or toll-free 1-888-315-9257