
Blacklegged Tick Risk Areas in Manitoba

In Manitoba, the range of blacklegged ticks continues to expand. Blacklegged ticks are now established throughout much of southern Manitoba, south of the 53rd parallel, wherever suitable tick habitat is found. Despite this expansion not all areas in southern Manitoba provide suitable habitats for blacklegged ticks. Blacklegged ticks are most commonly found:

  • within and along the edges of wooded or forested habitat; and
  • in areas with thick, woody shrubs and other vegetation that provide enough cover and have high humidity.

Blacklegged ticks carry the agents that cause tick-borne diseases like Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis and Lyme Disease.

Blacklegged ticks are found more commonly in some areas of southern Manitoba than others. For example, forested habitats dominated by trees that shed their leaves on an annual basis, can provide ideal habitat for both blacklegged ticks and the animals (e.g. small rodents, birds and deer) that they normally feed on. Blacklegged ticks are much less likely to be found in open grasslands, agricultural land, bogs, or wetlands and in areas that are very dry.

It is possible to find blacklegged ticks in areas outside southern Manitoba because ticks can attach to migrating birds and be carried over large distances. However, the disease risk is relatively low because the chance of encountering infected blacklegged ticks is less likely outside of southern Manitoba.

Tick Surveillance

Passive, or citizen supported, tick surveillance has been ongoing in Manitoba since 1995. Active surveillance of blacklegged ticks (BLT) to identify risk areas was carried out in Manitoba between 2006 and 2018. In 2006, only one BLT risk area was identified in the extreme southeast corner of the province. By 2018, the rapid range expansion of BLT’s was demonstrated throughout much of Southern Manitoba, south of the 53rd parallel, wherever suitable habitat is present. Refer to the annual reports below for surveillance data and maps.

Starting in April 2021, Manitoba Health, Seniors, and Long-Term Care adopted the eTick image-based identification platform developed by researchers at Bishop's University, and funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Manitoba residents can now submit images of ticks found on animals, humans or in various habitats to have it identified by trained experts. In addition to providing submitters with rapid tick identification results and information relevant to the public, the eTick platform maps will continue to provide information on tick distribution in Manitoba.

Access the eTick platform, including links to download the free mobile eTick app in both the Google Play and App stores.

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Communicable Disease Control (CDC)
Public Health
Manitoba Health

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