
Being able to get around is an important part of an age-friendly community. Having options to get out allows older adults to be more independent. People like to shop, volunteer, or work. It's important to attend appointments and get together with friends or family. These types of activities benefit your health. Everyone ages differently. Some people continue to drive into their 70s, 80s and even beyond. Others are not able to continue driving. You may wonder when the time is right to stop driving. There are many things to consider but safety the is most important. You may wonder how you will get around without a car. There are options available. But each community is different. For a complete listing of local transit options, please phone 211 or download your regional Seniors Guide.

Driving Your Own Vehicle

For many of us, driving our own vehicle is the best way to get around. Without the ability to drive it may feel like our freedom and independence are gone. Yet, as we age it is important that we acknowledge and are conscious of the how aging may impact our ability to drive safely in our communities.

Here are some resources for mature drivers:

  • Older and Wiser Driver — a self-assessment check list for mature drivers and provides advice on various driving situations.
  • Sharing the Road — find tips, considerations, and resources for older drivers from Manitoba Public Insurance
  • Mature Driver Workshop — refresh your knowledge of traffic laws and get guidance on how aging can influence your ability to drive, from Safety Services Manitoba
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Active Transportation

Age-friendly active transportation focuses on alternative ways of getting around.

This includes:

  • walking and biking
  • jogging and running
  • wheelchair or scooter
  • snowshoeing and cross-country skiing

Active transportation efforts ensure sidewalks and trails are designed for easy use. For example:

  • sidewalks are made wider, more level and with gradual inclines
  • curbed ramps at sidewalk intersections make it easy for wheelchairs and scooters
  • textured yellow pavement squares at sidewalk intersections help those with visual impairment
  • audible crossings signs assist those with vision impairment
  • pedestrian crossing times are made longer giving people more time to cross
  • accessible trails are provided at popular recreations areas and parks

Active transportation efforts are helping seniors, families with strollers and wagons, and everyone, get around more easily.

More resources:

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Transit Plus and Access Transit

Transit Plus and Access Transit offers door-to-door transportation in special situations. Transit Plus is for people who have a physical disability and find it difficult to travel on the usual bus route.

Transit Plus and Access Transit are for people who travel in a wheelchair or scooter. Or, people may use other mobility aides like canes and walkers (some restriction apply). Note that trips must be booked ahead of time.

For more information and questions on Transit Plus and Access Transit services in Manitoba:

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Taxis, Ridesharing & Car Sharing

Taxis are a good option for seniors. Benefits of taxi service include picking you up at your home and taxis can be scheduled for any pick-up time. Also, the driver can assist carrying items if you use a walker or cane.

Ridesharing companies (for example, Uber) offer a similar service as taxis. In this case, you're ridesharing with independent contractors who use their personal cars. Ordering your ride is usually done on the company's smart phone app.

Carsharing (for example Peg City Car Co-op) is a membership-based service where you book and share cars with others in your community.

Community seniors resource councils located throughout Manitoba can also help find transportation. They provide programs that help older adults be more independent. Your local council will provide information on transportation options in your community. Some councils also run volunteer driving programs. A small fee may be charged. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer driver, contact your resource council or senior centre in your area.

For more information:

211 Manitoba: for questions on government, health, and social services

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Transportation Options Network for Seniors

Transportation Option Network For Seniors (TONS) provide support, education, awareness, resource, tools and networking opportunities to municipalities, communities and seniors resource coordinators as they support the transportation needs of older adults.

For more information contact TONS by:

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