Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program – Spring 2024 Engagement Session

On April 4, 2024, Manitoba Emergency Management Organization (EMO) held an engagement session on the Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program at the Miniota Community Hall. Manitoba EMO invited past compensation claimants, the Shellmouth Reservoir Regulation Liaison Committee, local municipalities, producer groups, and Indigenous communities in the area.

The session provided an update on the changes that Manitoba EMO is working on to improve the program for compensation. In August 2021, the department received five recommendations from the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) Report following their review of the 2011, 2012, and 2014 Shellmouth Dam Compensation Programs. Manitoba EMO held an initial engagement session in April 2022 to share potential program changes and gather feedback from previous claimants. Feedback from the 2022 engagement session was considered and used to develop an improved program process that addresses stakeholder concerns related to program administration and streamlines program delivery.

In April 2024, Manitoba EMO returned to outline the updated program process and the proposed regulatory changes to enable these program improvements. Please find a link to the engagement session materials below (in PDF format):

The session provided the opportunity for stakeholders to give their feedback on program administration, the inspection process, and communication related to the program.

Public comments were also received through EngageMB on the proposed regulatory changes for 45 days between February 29, 2024 and April 14, 2024.

Manitoba EMO would like to thank everyone who took part in the engagement session and shared your experiences and feedback. Based on feedback from this engagement, Manitoba EMO has removed the regulatory requirement for claimants to provide an oath or affirmation about the truth of claims submitted to the program. The final regulation advanced to the government for approval in the summer of 2024 and came into effect on June 28, 2024.    

The important feedback received from this engagement has been summarized into a What We Heard Report (PDF).

Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program – Spring 2022 Engagement Session

On April 26, 2022, Manitoba Emergency Management Organization (EMO) held an engagement session on the Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program at the Miniota Community Hall. Manitoba EMO invited past compensation claimants, the Shellmouth Reservoir Regulation Liaison Committee, local municipalities, producer groups, and Indigenous communities in the area.

The session provided an update on the changes that Manitoba EMO is working on to improve the program for compensation. In August 2021, the department received five recommendations from the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) Report following their review of the 2011, 2012, and 2014 Shellmouth Dam Compensation Programs. The department has been working on, and has made progress on all five recommendations contained in this report and is looking for feedback on the proposed changes.

Please find a link to the engagement session materials below:

The session provided the opportunity for stakeholders to give their feedback on program administration, the inspection process, and communication.

Manitoba EMO would like to thank everyone who took part in the engagement session and shared your experiences and feedback. The important feedback received from this engagement has been summarized into a What We Heard Report (PDF).

Manitoba EMO continues to accept feedback on the proposed program changes at

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