Your Archives: The Histories We Share
The Archives of Manitoba invites you to contribute to our Your Archives blog and onsite exhibit. Choose an archival record. Tell us why it matters. Visit Your Archives to see what others have selected.

Streaming from the Archives
Watch digitized films and videos from the Archives of Manitoba's holdings, including the Hudson's Bay Company Archives. These records illustrate a range of events, activities and iconic sites throughout Manitoba and beyond.

Exhibits 995 to 1000:
Photographs entered as exhibits in the Winnipeg General Strike trials
This display features six photographs taken by L. B. Foote on 21 June 1919 during the Winnipeg General Strike. The photos were entered as exhibits during the trials of the strike leaders in 1920.

Records from the time of the First World War
At Home and Away, Remembering the First World War through records at the Archives of Manitoba
For four and a half years, the Archives blogged weekly about the time of the First World War, documenting activities both at home and overseas. Learn about Manitobans who served overseas, activities on the home front, and activities of the Manitoba government during wartime.
View slideshows related to records from the time of the First World War:

Rearview Manitoba: Our Heritage is Closer than it Appears
Rearview Manitoba is an exhibit that showcases intriguing Manitobans revealed in records held by the Archives of Manitoba

Sessional Journal of the Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia
The Sessional Journal of the Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia contains a record of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, from the first meeting of the First Session on March 9, 1870 until the last meeting of the Third Session on June 24, 1870.

Spotlight: The Hudson’s Bay Company Archives in Words and Images
Take a moment to explore a few of the records available through the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives in Spotlight: The Hudson’s Bay Company Archives in Words and Images.