Provincial Respiratory Surveillance Report

COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza

2024-2025 season

*seasons are defined as June 30, 2024 to June 28, 2025

This weekly report provides a current epidemiological update on the intensity and severity of respiratory activity in Manitoba including laboratory confirmed activity of both COVID-19 and seasonal influenza. Surveillance data include syndromic indicators, laboratory testing, associated hospitalization and mortality, and outbreaks. Updates around immunization coverage in COVID-19 and seasonal influenza are also included.

Data are reported with a one-week delay for increased data accuracy, completeness and reliability. More analyses continue to be conducted and will be added to this report as available. It is published online at approximately 3:00pm every Friday.

Week 33 (August 11 – August 17, 2024)

About epidemiological week

Data extracted up to 1:00 am on August 22, 2024
Next reporting date: August 30, 2024

COVID-19 vaccination / Seasonal Influenza vaccination


Test positivity remains lower than the peak rate observed in the fall (week 45). In the past few weeks there has been signs of an increase; Hospital admissions and outbreaks in long-term care facilities have increased compared to the previous week, all other indicators remained stable over time.

Wastewater surveillance data up to August 23 indicates moderate viral activity for COVID-19.


About cases

  • Cases this week: 84
  • Total cases: 534 (June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024)
More Analyses


About testing

This week

  • Average daily specimens: 124
  • Weekly positivity rate: 17.5%

Total (June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024)

  • Tested people: 4,572
  • Population tested: 0.3%
  • Specimens tested: 5,527
  • Positivity rate: 16.2%
More Analyses


About associated severity

Severe outcomes this week

  • Hospital admissions: 30
    • ICU admissions3: 3
  • Deaths7: Unavailable

Total severe outcomes (June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024)

  • Hospital admissions: 207
    • ICU admissions: 20
  • Deaths: Unavailable


About outbreaks

COVID-19 outbreaks this week

  • In long-term care facilities: 12
  • In hospitals: 1
  • In other settings: 0

Total COVID-19 outbreaks (June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024)

  • In long-term care facilities: 34
  • In hospitals: 15
  • In other settings: 0
More Analyses

Seasonal Influenza

Test positivity remains lower than the peak rate observed in the fall (week 51); all other indicators remained stable over time.

No RSV detection; in week 33 it remained similar compared with the previous week.


Cases this week

  • Influenza A: 0
  • Influenza B: 0

Total cases (June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024)

  • Influenza A: 4
  • Influenza B: 0
More Analyses


Influenza testing this week

  • Average daily specimens: 48
  • Influenza A positivity rate: 0.0%
  • Influenza B positivity rate: 0.0%

Other respiratory pathogens this week

  • RSV4 positivity rate: 0.0%
  • RSV detections: 0
More Analyses


Severe outcomes this week

  • Hospital admissions: Unavailable
    • ICU admissions: Unavailable
  • Deaths7: Unavailable

Total severe outcomes (June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024)

  • Hospital admissions: Unavailable
    • ICU admissions: Unavailable
  • Deaths: Unavailable


About outbreaks

Influenza outbreaks this week

  • Influenza A: 0
  • Influenza B: 0

Total influenza outbreaks (June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024)

  • Influenza A: 0
  • Influenza B: 0

Other outbreaks

  • This week: 4
  • Total (June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024): 21
More Analyses

Syndromic Indicators

All syndromic indicators have decreased or remained the same compared to the previous week.


About FluWatchers

Participants reporting this week: 436

Reporting fever and cough: 0.9%

More Analyses

Physician Visits

About sentinel physicians

Influenza Like Illness (ILI) Visits to sentinel physicians this week: 1%

More Analyses


About Antiviral

Units of antiviral dispensed from pharmacies this week: 1

More Analyses

ED Visits

About emergency room visits

Respiratory visits to emergency department (ED) this week: 1211

More Analyses

Important Notes

  1. Data about COVID-19 and influenza cases are extracted from PHIMS.
  2. Numbers are subject to change. Missed events in the current report due to reporting delays will be included in later reports when data become available. Cumulative totals include all events from start of the current season to end of the reporting week.
  3. ICU admissions are included in hospital admissions, and include adult and pediatric cases.
  4. RSV - Respiratory syncytial virus.
  5. Influenza associated hospitalizations and associated ICU cases are currently under review.
  6. COVID case counts are under review and maybe an undercount.
  7. Deaths are reported as “associated with” COVID or Influenza, but not all have been “caused by” COVID or Influenza. “COVID associated deaths” and “Influenza associated deaths” include persons who had a confirmed positive lab test result for COVID or Influenza, within 30 days before their death, or following their death through a post mortem. The number of deaths from week to week may be impacted by the lag-time for entry of deaths from Vital Statistics/Client Registry/clinical notifications and delayed entry of cases.



Figure 1. Weekly Cases of COVID-19 by Season, Manitoba, 2021 – 2025 (June through June)


Figure 2. Sex and Age Distribution of COVID-19 Cases, Manitoba, June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024


Figure 3. Cases of COVID-19 by Health Region and Public Health Report Date, Manitoba, June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024



Figure 4. Average Daily Testing Volume and Positivity (%) for COVID-19 by Week of Specimen Receiving Date, Manitoba, June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024



Table 1. Fall COVID-19 Campaign Coverage (at least 1 dose) and Coverage in the Last Six Months by Age Group

Sep 1, 2022 - Feb 28, 2023
Sep 1, 2023 - Aug 17, 2024
( Last 6 months, up to Aug 17, 2024 )
Age group Number Vaccinated %Coverage Number Vaccinated %Coverage Number Vaccinated %Coverage
00-04 5056 6.0% 4216 5.0% 605 0.7%
05-17 23489 10.1% 15538 6.7% 673 0.3%
18-49 77947 12.8% 53887 8.9% 1963 0.3%
50-64 74347 28.6% 61653 23.7% 2530 1.0%
65+ 150916 62.1% 139783 57.5% 17376 7.1%
All 357085 25.0% 290970 20.4% 23342 1.6%

About vaccination coverage


Seasonal Influenza


Figure 5. Weekly Cases of Influenza by Season, Manitoba, 2020 – 2025 (June through June)



Figure 6. Average Daily Testing Volume and Positivity (%) for Influenza by Week of Specimen Receiving Date, Manitoba, June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024


Figure 7. Number of Positive Respiratory Virus Tests by Week of Specimen Receiving Date, Manitoba, June 30, 2024 – August 17, 2024

Note. Other respiratory viruses include adenovirus, enterovirus/rhinovirus, human coronavirus (seasonal), human metapneumovirus and human parainfluenza virus.



Figure 8. Weekly Respiratory Outbreaks, Manitoba, 2021 – August 17, 2024



Table 2. Coverage of Influenza Vaccinations, Manitoba

Sep 1, 2022 - May 31, 2023
Sep 1, 2023 - Aug 17, 2024
Age group Number Vaccinated %Coverage Number Vaccinated %Coverage
0-4 17509 20.9% 14662 17.5%
5-17 37353 15.7% 32029 13.4%
18-49 95923 15.4% 90168 14.5%
50-64 83205 32.3% 78523 30.4%
65+ 146408 58.9% 148766 59.9%
All 386649 26.7% 368877 25.4%

Note. Actual number of people vaccinated between September 1 and August 17, 2024 may be higher due to delays in reporting doses administered.

About vaccination coverage



Figure 9. Weekly FluWatchers Participants and Percentage Reporting Fever and Cough, Manitoba, 2020 – August 17, 2024


Physician Visits

Figure 10. Weekly Percentage of ILI Related Visits to Sentinel Physicians, Manitoba, 2018 – August 17, 2024

Note. Due to small numbers the rates should be interpreted with caution.



Figure 11. Weekly Units of Antiviral Dispensed from Pharmacies, Manitoba, 2020 – August 17, 2024


ED Visits

Figure 12. Weekly Respiratory Visits to Emergency Department, Manitoba, 2017 – August 17, 2024
